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《 致 grow up 24岁》(2 / 2)

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好书推荐: 重生之卿卿我我 百里秋枫,只为一人 网购天庭 对不起忘记我吧 末世之神奇空间 女主,化为流星吧! 厉君御阮萌萌 荆鸟 深层心理学 天下无敌初阶论




In my opinion, it may be that you have this personality, which has caused some things to be so heavy that you always have a be swayed by considerations of gain and loss.

Especially the emotional aspect, one failure, as if you pushed you into the abyss!


Actually, you are wrong!

Dear yourself, don't be wrong!

Don't dwell on the pain of the past, you have to go out of that abyss!

I also believe that you will walk out of the dark abyss!

That's what I know!

Life should not go on like this, you have a better life!

A setback, a thing...

Where to fall, where to stand!






I believe you, I will do it!

I believe you, I will do it!

Sunshine after 24, must be warm!

The years after 24, must be the warmest time!

The days after 24 years old must be perfect! Believe in yourself and believe in what you can create!

I look at you in the past and wait for you in the future!

Come on, my brothers!

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