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番外5 因为那里有我的家人(2 / 2)

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好书推荐: 恶魔少爷的甜蜜陷阱 Boss的贴身女保镖 时代魔法师 悍宝嫁妈:爹地别无耻 撒娇小甜妻总裁必须哄姜南初陆司寒 道医在都市 至高灵神 米瑞斯之从光堕入暗 末世之无上城主 三国之汉末群雄

i wanhe stars with you

over the miracle

it's not a dead end

the boy with the loneliness in his side

i wanna trol your soul

behind the hatred there lies a plundering love

the future has been over

but we are fixating on that

the past is still to e

yes! they are in the same time

death is a frat's allhow do you think?

god and evilit's a scapegoat through the heartwhat do you know?

“what's at the back of your mind? i 't hold your hand”

you say“where are you going to take me? i 't believe”

we walk the parallel line

nothing's gonna ge my deep love for you

everything will be going right for me

oh, we are wandering in light and darkhrough eyes

break dow's revamp all the truth and we will create a fact

i wanhe reality with the agony of doubt

i love u cuz u are always by my side…

dead or alivedead or alive

back to you…

't you read? 't you see?

my words in your virtual vision

save my life! save your life!

why do you e here? i'r

bad choice! bad sign!

it is a prologue of collapse

i don't stop your desire, cuz i 't fet you

nothing's gonna ge with you in the world

everything will be decided by the rules

oh, we are traveling the past and the future through love

break out!

let's dial back all the pains and we will be bain

i wanhe stars with you

over the miracle

it's not a dead end”





这个家伙,不知道发了什么疯,自从两年前被关进来,每天都在唱这首歌,而且,重复了一遍又一遍。至少,这家伙也是level 6的囚犯,肯定是罪大恶极的!






“the girl with the sharp thorn in her flesh……”











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新书推荐: 一念成婚,归田将军腹黑妻 医娘傲娇,无良病王斩桃花 绝世俏仵作 庄亲王福晋 将心独宠,下堂妻的春天 虎将去抗日 凡人歌 超级兵工帝国 晚明之我主沉浮 父皇的嚣张厨娘